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Debt Investors

Our level and cost of borrowing is carefully monitored. A disciplined approach ensures we have access to sufficient financial resources to achieve our business strategy.

Debt summary

The level and cost of borrowing is monitored on an ongoing basis. We maintain a disciplined approach to manage leverage and target a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of approximately 30%, net debt to EBITDA of 6-7x and ICR of 3.5-4.0x over the medium term.

At 31 December 2023, LTV was 28%, reduced from 31% in 2022, reflecting lower net debt and broadly stable property valuations.

The company has an investment grade corporate rating of BBB from Standard & Poor’s and Baa1 from Moody’s, reflecting the strength of our capital position, cash flows and track record.

The following key principles guide how we look to structure and manage our debt:

  • We proactively manage our cost of debt to mitigate the impact of rising rates’.
  • We have published Sustainable Finance Framework (April 2021, updated April 2024) to enable future sustainable debt.
  • We manage our maturity profile to ensure no more than 25% of drawn debt matures in any one year.
  • We diversity funding sources to reduce reliance on any single lender.
  • We maintain flexibility for the business through our unsecured debt portfolio for the Group.
  • We protect against potential interest rate volatility by maintaining our fixed/hedged ratio at 75% to 95% of total debt.

Sustainable finance framework

In April 2021, we launched a sustainable finance framework and updated this in April 2024. This links the company’s financing strategy with our wider sustainability strategy.

The framework sets up the criteria for financing projects through sustainable bonds, loans and other debt products. Projects will also have a positive environmental and/or social impact, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and supporting the company’s business strategy. These include green buildings, projects aimed at improving our properties’ energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, as well as social initiatives, including affordable housing, financial support for students, and projects aimed at widening participation in post-18 education.

ISS ESG has assessed the framework to make sure it aligns with principles published by the International Capital Markets Association and the Loan Markets Association. ISS’s opinion is available on the investor relations section.

NatWest acted as the sole sustainability structuring advisor while we developed and updated the framework.

Key debt statistics

Key debt statistics (Unite share basis)
Net debt
Net debt: EBITDA ratio
Interest cover ratio
Average debt maturity
3.8 years
4.1 years
Average cost of debt
Proportion of investment debt at fixed rate

Loan-to-value ratio and cost of debt

Debt maturity profile (drawn debt as at 31 March 2024)

The unite group plc
Annual report and accounts

Focused on growth and sustainability